Lakeside, Summerland, BC


Once again this summer the Lakeside, Women, sponsored and organized a booth for our local Farmer’s Market in Summerland, BC, once a week during the months of June, July and August. Since we are a small church, we have a small core group of women to do our baking and manning of the booth, but this did not diminish the enthusiasm, quality nor quantity. Combined with our outdoor tables and umbrellas where we served soup, chili, coffee and sandwiches, we made an enormous impact in the community, having numerous occasions to encourage people, both spiritually and emotionally. Not only did we have a presence in the community, we raised over $3,000 to distribute to various local, national and international mission groups, including the Presbyterian World Service & Development organization. From left, the women in the picture feature: Judy Mathon, Lilias Statham, Diana Grayson and Norma Wolkowski.