McCullum Remembered

ENI – Hugh McCullum, a Canadian journalist who championed Africa, where he spent part of his life, is being remembered as a harsh critic of what he called the silence of the media about the killing in 1994 of 800,000 people in Rwanda.
“We in the church press didn't care enough to write about it and when we finally did, it was defensive and apologetic and never named the 'genocidaires' amongst our denominations who preached hate Sunday by Sunday and unleashed a horror the world has not seen since World War II,” McCullum once wrote about Rwanda. He died in Toronto in October aged 76.
“We Africans owe him a huge debt of love as he generously devoted many years of his life and work to the betterment of our continent,” said WCC general secretary, Rev. Samuel Kobia.
McCullum wrote the September 2004 story on Stanford Reid for the Record.