Payne to Ploughshares

The Life and Mission Agency and Project Ploughshares appointed Janna Payne to an eight-month internship based in Waterloo, Ont. She began work in October, and is the second of three interns to be hired in the joint program.
“I'm really excited,” Payne told the Record. Her BA in Communications Theory will be put to use in public relations work, but the field of international policy is new to her, she said. “I thought it looked like a really good learning opportunity.”
Payne spent last year in Los Angeles working with low-income individuals as a Housing Case Manager with the Episcopal Urban Internship Program.
She is a member of St. Andrew's, Lakefield, Ont. and is currently pursuing her master's degree in Pastoral Studies online through Loyola University, Chicago.
Project Ploughshares, an agency of the Canadian Council of Churches, promotes disarmament and peaceful resolution of political and social conflict.
– C. Purvis