PCC Website Refresh

Those who visit the denominational website, www.presbyterian.ca, regularly will have noticed that throughout October and November we made some significant changes. Most obvious is a completely new home page layout that we hope will make it easier for our visitors to find the information and resources they are looking for – and discover new things they don't even realize exist! We also made some significant changes to the navigation structure so that information is grouped more appropriately.
The feature I'm most excited about is SnapShots. This relatively large area in the upper-right quadrant of the home page is intended to offer glimpses into the denomination at the congregational and agency program level – the grassroots of the PCC. Photos in the SnapShots area are randomly selected from a collection of photos of church buildings, congregations and Presbyterians in action.
As pleased as I am with this makeover, I can't take very much of the credit – most of the work was done long before I arrived. The members of the Life and Mission Agency's internal web strategy team deserve the bulk of the credit for guiding this process over the course of the summer. My thanks to Alex McDonald, Karen Plater, Anne Phillips, Matt Donnelly and Peter Johnson for their work and continued support as the website continues to evolve.
The website refresh, and SnapShots in particular, are representative of my desire and intention for the communications activities of the PCC to encompass the entire denomination. Presbyterian.ca is a website of and for the denomination, not just national offices, and I am committed to extending that philosophy to the broader communications strategy for the Life and Mission Agency.
– Colin Carmichael is Associate Secretary, Communications at the Life & Mission Agency of the PCC. He chronicles his work on his official PCC blog at www.beingpresbyterian.ca.