Knox, Burlington, ON

Jackie Robinson, front and centre, is seen with the Knox, Burlington, Ont., choir, of which she has been a member for 50 years. She is the current choir president but her service to the church extends well beyond the choir to many other areas. She also recently received a medal of distinction from the Royal School of Church Music in the UK. Gathered with her for this photograph are the choir, along with Dr. Peter Hanson, organist and choir director, in the back row, and Carolyn McNiven, clerk of session, on the far right, front row.

Jackie Robinson, front and centre, is seen with the Knox, Burlington, Ont., choir, of which she has been a member for 50 years. She is the current choir president but her service to the church extends well beyond the choir to many other areas. She also recently received a medal of distinction from the Royal School of Church Music in the UK. Gathered with her for this photograph are the choir, along with Dr. Peter Hanson, organist and choir director, in the back row, and Carolyn McNiven, clerk of session, on the far right, front row.