K. your website S.

I enjoyed reading January's Surfing Into The 21st Century. St. Paul's, Simcoe, Ont., has had a website since 2000 – www.stpaulssimcoe.com. It was started and is maintained by our webmaster Judy-Ann Macaulay. In setting up a local Church website it is not necessary to strike a large budget and seek requests for proposals. All you need is some enthusiastic volunteers who are willing to learn and pick the brains of those with the necessary experience. Judy-Ann's recipe for success is to keep it simple. Without a lot of computer experience she started with little more than a website development course from a local college. She says that it is not necessary to have a lot of fancy graphics and other features found in modern commercially designed sites. She finds that she can maintain the website with about one hour per week. From all the feedback received, it is clear that our website is an excellent and cost effective way for the congregation and other interested people to obtain information on what is happening in our local church.

About Michael E. Cobb
Simcoe, Ont.