Something We Are

It was exciting reading your special feature on church curriculum in January and hearing other voices sharing concerns that have been much on my heart and mind. As one who contributed to the Christian Faith and Life Curriculum, promoted its use, helped in workshops to assist in its use I share Bill Klempa's appreciation of its great value and contribution in its day. But as James Russell Lowell said in his day
“New occasions teach new duties;Time makes ancient good uncouth.They must upward still and onwardWho would keep abreast of truth.”
The Truth of God does not change, but we and our context for living do. And as has often been stated “the Church is one generation away from extinction.”
Dorothy Henderson, always right on, reminds us that curriculum is not just resources, it is the whole Church. Parents know that however much we try to teach our children they are more influenced by how we ourselves are living. So it is with Mother Church. Christian Education is not primarily something we do. It is something we are. Our procedures grow out of that.
It was because of such factors that when family and friends created The Albert and Evelyn Bailey Fund at Knox College last Spring to honour our 50 years of ministry and 65 years of marriage, we asked that it be designated for future directions in Christian education. Hopefully this may encourage another such as James D. Smart to take hold of these issues and help lead us into the future.