St. Andrew’s, Strathroy, ON

The Mary & Martha Society of St. Andrew's, Strathroy, held its sixth annual Christmas Extravaganza in November.  The mission for this year was bricks for the hostel in Jobat, India, and with proceeds of $2,250, enough money was raised to purchase 90 bricks! Pictured beside the "wall of bricks for Jobat" are Hilde Morden (President), Joan Wagner (Past President), Virginia Campbell (Secretary and Extravaganza organizer) and Kathy Boose (Treasurer).

The Mary & Martha Society of St. Andrew’s, Strathroy, held its sixth annual Christmas Extravaganza in November. The mission for this year was bricks for the hostel in Jobat, India, and with proceeds of $2,250, enough money was raised to purchase 90 bricks! Pictured beside the “wall of bricks for Jobat” are Hilde Morden (President), Joan Wagner (Past President), Virginia Campbell (Secretary and Extravaganza organizer) and Kathy Boose (Treasurer).