The Canadian Religion

Université de Montreal – A new course at the Université de Montreal's faculty of theology is casting light one of Canada's most popular religions – hockey.
Taught by Professor Olivier Bauer, the course examines the religious overtones associated with Montreal's Sainte-Flanelle (literally 'Holy Flannel'), known to English-speaking Canadians as the Habs or Montreal Canadiens.
“We're asking: is it a religion? If so, what kind of religion,” Bauer says. “We need to critique some aspects; it's a neo-liberal religion so there's a need to win, be the best, but there's a lot of metaphor you can use in church.”
Bauer cites a member of Hockey Ministries International, a group that seeks to evangelize in hockey rinks. He uses the goalkeeper as a metaphor for redemption through Christ. If a penalty is called against a goalie, one of the other players is sent to the penalty box in his teammate's place.
The graduate course began in January, and was open to all faculties.