Calling for an Amos

Re Long-term Planning, News, February
I cannot believe my eyes! This article begins, “With recent market downturns on everyone's mind,” and goes on to say, “Executive stipends were also evaluated, and a recommendation for a 6.9 per cent increase will be put before this year's General Assembly in June, If passed, the increase will be applied retroactively from January 2009.”
What kind of message were Assembly Council members trying to send to the rest of the church and to the world where countless numbers are losing their jobs, businesses are downsizing or filing bankruptcies, and seniors' pensions plans have lost double digit percentages? Were they recommending that we stop following Jesus' way of compassion, justice, and self-denial?
I pray that the council withdraw this recommendation before it hits the floor of this year's assembly. Perhaps in their wisdom, they will propose a substitute recommendation to give 6.9 per cent more to programs for the poor and homeless in Canada and overseas. Failing that, may God raise up a present day Amos, Isaiah or another prophet as a commissioner to this year's General Assembly.