Calling the PCC to action

As we all know, we are in turbulent economic times and it is not clear what we, as a society, should do. Guidance is needed on what is the Christian course of action. However, I am not seeing that from the Presbyterian Church beyond helping with food banks and out-of-the-cold programs. This economic meltdown requires government help, not temporary help such as a food bank.
Toronto Anglican Bishop Colin Johnson urged provincial politicians to remember the poor. A solution, he told them, can only be found by helping each other – and the most vulnerable in particular. His diocese took out a huge ad to advocate for a provincial policy. Toronto Catholic Archbishop Thomas Collins made poverty the subject of his cardinal's dinner address. The Canadian Islamic Congress has likewise called for more affordable housing, lower education costs, increased child tax benefits to low-income and working-poor families, tax cuts for low-income families and a plan to end homelessness. In October, United Church Moderator David Giuliano urged Canadians to be concerned about more than the plight of stock markets.
It would have been nice to see more Presbyterians publicly concerned about the poor. The secular Toronto Star has been a particularly strong advocate for an Ontario poverty reduction strategy; in fact, the province may not have done anything if it was not for the Star. It would have been nice if the same statement could have been made about Presbyterians!