Malthusian confusion

Re The Malthusian Dilemma and the Judgement of God, News, February
Admittedly, your title makes one stop and take notice. The statistical portion about the birth rate may be accurate with reference to poor Malawi, and Glenn Inglis' last sentence – “Poverty in an unjust economic system (and is this just a market correction or the judgement of God?) is the real cause of the population explosion and its attendant threats to our world,” – may have much truth to it, but to throw this at the reader with a half-dozen unexplained allusions makes me ask whether this piece should have been published. It merely shocks but does not explain.
Why allude to Malthusian ideas without explaining where they come from and how old they are? Why is Malawi apparently one of the poorest countries and its population outrunning food supply? Why suggest the judgement of God? And whom will He judge? Does the “market correction” concept even apply there? How come there was a 'radical depletion of a productive population' and when? How much and what kinds of aid did the Bush administration give?
The reader could do worse than google Thomas Robert Malthus and Malawi.