Ups and Downs

The Presbyterian Record ended 2008 with its best annual appeal to date; donations exceeded $100,000, a six per cent increase from 2007 despite a six per cent drop in circulation.

“The Record is extremely pleased with the strong show of support from readers who chose to be donors, especially in these difficult economic times,” said David Harris, publisher and editor. “It’s a vote of confidence in the publication and the board and staff are extremely gratified by this.”

Donations have risen 20 per cent since the appeal was launched in 2005 while overall circulation has fallen 18 per cent.

Presbyterians Sharing, the church’s national mission and ministry fund, reported $8.58 million in contributions, down two per cent from 2007.

“Every year it’s encouraging to see the commitment that Presbyterians across Canada have for the mission and ministry that we do together,” said Karen Plater, associate secretary of stewardship and education for mission. “It’s amazing how God uses the gifts to accomplish more than we ever imagined.”

Presbyterian World Service and Development, the church’s national development and relief agency, received just over $3 million in donations from individuals and congregations, an 11 per cent increase since 2007.

Colleen McCue, coordinator for finance and administration at PWS&D, said the department is particularly grateful for growing numbers of undesignated bequests. These contributions are more flexible than designated bequests and allow the department to meet long-term development goals and access funds immediately in an emergency.