Assembly Council Remains Optimistic


This year, “it all comes down to Presbyterians Sharing,” Stephen Roche, the Presbyterian Church’s chief financial officer told Assembly Council in March. “How 2009 unfolds will be reflective of the mindsets of people, but will also be reflective of the messages we give. It all comes down to, are there personal stories in congregations about Presbyterians Sharing?” Contributions to the national fund are voluntary.

Roche stated that the church has not suffered unduly from the economic downturn. He assured members that the church’s funds are invested conservatively, and although total net investments lost $4 million between the end of 2007 and 2008, the unrealized losses can be recovered as markets improve in the coming years.

6.9 per cent sticks

With the blessing of executive staff, the council revisited its November decision to recommend a 6.9 per cent increase to executive staff stipends. After much discussion, members opted to send the recommendation to General Assembly unchanged.

The recommendation was based on a study by Mercer, a Toronto-based human resources consulting firm, which compared executive salaries to those provided by other church and non-profit organizations in the Toronto area. The report had recommended a 13 per cent increase to executive staff stipends in 2009. Assembly Council agreed to a 6.9 per cent increase, and will cost $68,000 in total if approved.

Open eyes, open heart

The long range planning committee is challenging presbyteries to participate in the Emmaus Project: Open Eyes, Burning Hearts, a conference scheduled for late April 2010.

“What we’re called to do as the church is to open our eyes and recognize that the risen Christ is with us,” said Rev. Wesley Denyer on behalf of the committee. “And we already have the story—this wonderful story—about who we are and why we’re doing what we’re doing.”

Information will be sent to presbyteries this month. Details about the conference will be featured in the Record in the summer issue. The deadline for presbyteries to sign -on is this fall.

Biennial assemblies

A working group will seek feedback from sessions, presbyteries and synods about the possibility of holding biannual assemblies. A report prepared by the group will circulate among the various courts, which will then indicate whether or not they approve of the change in principle.

The overture that spurred the research was the sixth such request received by the General Assembly in the past 32 years.

Remembering John A. Johnson

Council approved a memorial fund in memory of Rev. Dr. John A. Johnson, volunteer founder and curator of the National Presbyterian Museum. A campaign hopes to raise $300,000 over the next three years. Income from this capital would provide a salary for a part-time curator.