Being Presbyterian, Online

A week-long “friendraiser” challenge launched by the communications office in late April sought to double membership in a Presbyterian Church in Canada group on Facebook, a popular internet network. The impromptu campaign fell short of its goal, garnering 145 new members—an increase of 51 per cent. But it’s never too late to join.

“It was partly a social experiment and partly trying to get more critical mass in the group,” said Colin Carmichael, associate secretary of communications. “When you look at the stats on Facebook, especially in Canada where one in three Canadians has an account, it seemed strange that there would only be 200 Presbyterians on Facebook.”

But the networking site has potential, Carmichael said, especially at local levels where congregations, youth groups, or shared interest groups can use it to keep in touch.

“The line between communication and community-building is getting thinner and thinner. As we communicate better, we build communities better.”

The communications office has also been expanding its range of ‘PC Connect’ items, including a weekly video program launched in April. The short videos focus on news items drawn from news feeds. Eventually, the office hopes to receive content from churches across the country. The new ‘PC Connect-TV’ will join the monthly PC Connect newsletter—which celebrated its 100th edition in April—at

The office has also launched a podcast which is available on the blog,