Calvin, North Bay, ON

Gary Stevens and Sandra Beattie were married in November, at Calvin, North Bay, Ont. Instead of receiving gifts, they asked guests to make a donation to PWS&D’s Community-Based Orphan Care Centre in Malawi, which Sandra had visited in 2004. In total, $380 was raised. Since they were so busy with the wedding, Gary and Sandra did not have time to buy Christmas gifts, but instead they gave a Gift of Hope to children in Malawi in honour of their eight grandchildren. Congratulations Gary and Sandra!

Gary Stevens and Sandra Beattie were married in November, at Calvin, North Bay, Ont. Instead of receiving gifts, they asked guests to make a donation to PWS&D’s Community-Based Orphan Care Centre in Malawi, which Sandra had visited in 2004. In total, $380 was raised. Since they were so busy with the wedding, Gary and Sandra did not have time to buy Christmas gifts, but instead they gave a Gift of Hope to children in Malawi in honour of their eight grandchildren. Congratulations Gary and Sandra!