Self for Moderator

photo by Jamie Self
photo by Jamie Self

Rev. Harvey Self of Tweedsmuir Memorial, Orangeville, Ont. is the moderator-elect of the 2009 General Assembly. His nomination will likley be affirmed on June 7 when assembly begins in Hamilton, Ont.

Self said he was excited and honoured by the opportunity, and by the vote of confidence from “a church that I’ve served for 28 years and have loved all my life, and that has been a huge part of my family.”

He hails from a long line of Presbyterian ministers, elders and chaplains, and served nine years as a military chaplain himself. As moderator, he hopes to make contact with the Presbyterian chaplains serving in the regular forces and reserves. It will be a challenge for the church, he said, “to find a way to speak as one to our military chaplains and others who are going through difficult times on our behalf. To say something meaningful, when saying nothing would be more comfortable.”

The church, he said, is called to minister to “an upside-down world” torn by terrorism and war.

Self has been involved with the Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda synod, serving as convener of the regional consultative committee, six years as mission convener and a representative on Canada Ministries’ advisory committee, and one term as moderator of the Presbytery of Brampton.

“Many perspectives make us richer, not poorer,” he told the Record. “This is not the time to squelch varying voices, but to listen to the many voices across the denomination. A time for opening our minds and hearts, not closing down.”