The whole truth

Dr. McLelland surmises that science develops many theories on many topics in a quest for the truth and then uses these theories to reach a conclusion it believes to be true. However as has been demonstrated it never ends there and there are always unanswered questions and new theories to consider. Science never quite obtains the whole truth and often leads to confusion. For example—the claims as to the veracity of the Bible in such areas as the age of the creation of humans and the building of a large boat (Noah’s Ark) have never been satisfactorily disproven.

The same process of comparing and distilling different faiths to try to find the one faith that is true is tempting. However Christians believe Jesus when he said that he is the way, the truth and the life. Truth seekers (and scientists) must first recognize the supremacy of God and Jesus and seek their Kingdom. Only then will the whole truth of our existence and universe be opened up to them.

If we take our eyes off Jesus we will end up going in many directions and will be seduced by many different faith theories. Factors such as the longevity of different faiths, whether one’s “cousins” believed in such faiths and the fact that other religions have “saviours” are irrelevant.

Jesus taught us that He was the one and only saviour and that he alone was the way to God and all truth.

He said to go into all the world and proclaim the truth of his kingdom. Yes we can listen too but it is we who have the truth to proclaim to all who will listen.