Come in, come in and sit down!

Rev. Stewart Folster presides at the dedication ceremony in Saskatoon.
Rev. Stewart Folster presides at the dedication ceremony in Saskatoon.

“In 27 years of ministry, I have never been able to work in a building so well suited for native ministry, that we could call our own,” said Rev. Stewart Folster, director of Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry, referring to the new building in downtown Saskatoon.

Purchased with a grant from Canada Ministries, the building was dedicated in late April and will provide a warm, safe place for food and fellowship; along with space for culturally sensitive worship services, a healing circle and both crisis and spiritual counselling. The ministry reaches out to people who are physically, spiritually and emotionally in need.

Stewart led the dedication service, which began with a traditional smudging ceremony to purify the space. His brother Gerald performed an honour drum song, his son Jeff played the piano and his daughter Andrea sang We Are One In The Spirit. Scripture was read in both English and Cree. Communion was shared. Members of Northern Saskatchewan presbytery and the Native Circle Ministry Board joined together with people from all walks of life.

The first hymn implored, “Come in, come in and sit down—you are a part of the family.” To which Stewart added, “We care about everyone here. We don’t judge anyone, because the elders teach us that we are all equal, and we are all relations of Mother Earth. It doesn’t matter how you dress, and what colour skin you have, and how you survive in this world—this will be your place. This building offers hope. It offers us a chance to recover our culture and our ceremonies and identity. The people can know that this is their place. They can feel welcome, and they will know that this is their place.”

Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry receives support through gifts to Presbyterians Sharing.