It doesn’t ad up

Re Faithful Citizenship—Respect for Life advertisement, April

Having read your April issue virtually cover-to-cover, I am left struck by the gross contrast between two items in particular: Joyce Gladwell’s Sharing Rejection and the three-page advertisement, a letter of Cardinal Justin Rigali, inserted by a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Joyce Gladwell tells how her interaction with homosexuals, coupled with her own state of being black, led her to a new acceptance of and empathy with the homosexual community. She found good scripture to support her new view, and was able moreover to see the parallel between the struggle over homosexuality today and the unsettling Jew/Gentile issue of biblical times.

By contrast, the advertisement is a one-sided argument against abortion. It is written by a man from a male-dominated church. As a woman who knows of several women who have made the difficult and grave decision to have an abortion, I bristled at much of what I read in that advertisement.

Note: This month’s Editorial touches upon this issue.

About Anne Miller Sackville, N.B.