Unique For Each Culture

The Presbyterian Record does not shy away from critical, often sensitive, questions about the function and future of the church and the God she serves. It shows courageous stewardship, allowing little room for the comforts of complacency and judgmental fundamentalism.

The March issue, in particular the Jerusalem article, helped to enrich my images of the unseen. I can trust the God of Abraham because he lets me. Moreover his creation and Jesus are conveying this to me. Some refer to him as YHWH, some as Allah, some as one God and others as triune God.

However, God does not want to be named. He does not need to be explained (as in some creeds), and he is above cultural values. We can share God with others, but we cannot monopolize him. He is unique for each culture, and legitimate for all.

About Johan Diemer Brentwood Bay, B.C.