Its real — finally

I’m Jayne and I am married to Harvey, who happens to be the moderator of the 135th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. His name was announced on April 1st, 2009. 

Last Sunday, May 31st, this finally started to feel real. We’d just finished singing the benediction when John, an elder at Tweedsmuir, Orangeville, Ont.,where Harvey is minister, walked to the front of the sanctuary. “Harvey, before you leave for Hamilton, with all the responsibilities and privileges that your new position as Moderator will entail, we wanted you to know that you are not going alone. And as a symbol of this, we have a small gift for you.”

He presented Harvey with a beautiful new preaching scarf. It’s navy, like Harvey’s gown, and emblazoned with the Burning Bush and the words: Nec Tamen Consumebatur. (Which I understand means burned but not consumed.)

“During this coming year, we hope this scarf will represent our arms encircling you with our love and prayers,” said Margorie, our Clerk of Session.

Downstairs during coffee, there was another presentation. Orangeville’s Deputy Mayor challenged Harvey to step forward, not only as a representative of Tweedsmuir, but as a representative of Orangeville.

It’s amazing really. We have moved so many times that until now we have never known the blessings of belonging to an extended community. Until now, our closest bonds have been with family. How exciting it is to see God extending those bonds.

I’m told General Assembly is like the Gathering of the Clans. That being the case, I look forward to getting to know my clan better.