Second Time – Even Better

I have the immense pleasure of being a second-year YAR. I was more than honoured when my Presbytery approached me to represent Northern Saskatchewan for the second time.

So here I am. The Venerable General Assembly #135. New YARs. New commissioners. New moderator.  New venue (McMaster University, Hamilton is lovely, by the way). Same old Presby spirit. Good ol’ Presbyterianism!

I like people. There are a lot of people here. It’s truly amazing, especially coming from Saskatchewan, worshiping with so many Presbyterians from all over the country. I’m sure that if you put all the Presbyterians in Saskatchewan in the same room, there would be less people than there are at General Assembly right now. Pretty sure.

It’s been an ama-za-zing experience so far! This time around, I know a lot more about the procedure and expectations, and am able to help out the other YARs in understanding the what’s what of General Assembly.

I’ve been impressed with Moderator Harvey Self. He always remains composed, keeps the business of the Assembly flowing, and knows procedure. He’s very knowledgeable, and has a long-standing family history with the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

The Assembly has voted on some very interesting issues so far. This year, for the first time, the YARs were granted the privilege of casting “advisory votes” on certain issues. This means that we, before the commissioners, get to let the Assembly know our opinions via green voting cards. By this method, we’ve provided input about such issues as Israeli-Canadian trade, and responses to a Muslim agreement entitled “A Common Agreement Between Us and You.” And that’s just one day’s work!

As YARs, we get to meet with many people who tell us about what’s going on this week, such as the Moderator and the Clerks. We’ve asked them all to tell us something that they think will surprise us. For the right price, I may be willing to disclose this information on a later blog.

So far, I would have to say that this General Assembly has sparked more debate and has dealt with more serious and pertinent issues than the 133rd General Assembly. This is only my perspective, though, and I will freely admit that it’s very likely that I think this way because I am paying infinitely more attention this time around and have a proper grasp of what’s happening.

I’d just like to close this entry by saying that I adore my fellow YARs. They are all fantastic ambassadors for the youth of their respective Presbyteries. I’m glad they could be a part of my experience here. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Smile!