Monday Monday Monday!

I really thought that by leaving at 1:30 I’d be one of the first participants here. In fact I had the set the cruise control on the car just to keep myself from speeding; I was that excited to get to Canada Youth. Getting to CY early would be good; getting a speeding ticket in the process wouldn’t.

I was wrong. I was not one of the first ones here. I did easily beat the folks from the east coast of Canada, however.

It’s been six years since I last was at a Canada Youth event, so I arrived with some preconceived notions about the event and what was going to happen. It’s nice when the event blows people away on the first day. Of course there was a flurry of hugs and greetings from friends and people we hadn’t seen since the last CY event. So the rest of the event is looking up!

But what I really want to talk about is worship. Only at two other non-Canada Youth events (Creation Fest 2003 and Triennium 2001) have I seen so many people so fired up for the worship of our God. It was literally a stampede to get into the gym where flashing lights, LCD projectors and smoke machines greeted us. Glen and the band boldly leading worship, the drama team sharing the word, and Derek Macleod bringing a message of God the artist and God the mathematician, bringing the righteousness of Creation.

Things are looking up.