The Second Day (CY)

Everything is awesome, I’m meeting a ton of new people and have met our visitors from India. There is a strong sense of community and a constant bubbling excitement … followed quickly by extreme tiredness. (I do not know how the mission people are surviving, they actually go out and do work, and here I am sitting on my butt fighting sleep 😛 ).
Today we found our sequoia groups, and asked each other questions, played name games, and discussed how we felt about last nights service. We also discussed the  aspect of “The Beginning” but sadly many of the questions where answered with silence. A few others and I tried to get some conversation going, and failed, and quickly gave up. (No one wants to seem like the over eager go-getter).
After lunch we returned to our groups and where told that we must construct a Bonsai. We had heard of how the bonsai is planted to the side of the pot because the middle is where heaven and earth meet.
So we drew a bonsai to the left, a big red pot, with the words “Shin Zen Bi” written on it and an earth with clouds in the center. We cut out a hole for one of our group members faces. And were told we would  be able to run with the tree while every team member held on to it. That in mind we attached trails of streamers so we could all tether ourselves to the tree without tripping over each there we tried to run with it. The running never did come, after our actiity was rained out, but the other activities where also very fun. “SHIN ZEN BI! * * Bonsai!”
Worship had a darker twist to it, highlighting the suffering of Christ and the questions of humanity, and though I think it is important to feel that grief and be thankful for Christ’s sacrifice, it seemed to be a bit of spiritual rain on our parade. Don’t get me wrong, the content was accurate and those involved did a marvelous job, it just wasn’t the message we where looking for after a day of fun and excitement. All in all, another day that was wonderful, exciting, and informative.