Tuesday, July 21, 2009-Day 2 of CY09

Today was a bit different from the first day, only because everybody has now had the chance to familiarize themselves with Brock University, but also because the groups were split into “sequoia groups,” which are small groups named after certain types of trees. A few examples of these are; Birch, Bonsai and Willow. When we were in our sequoia groups, we had the chance to get together and share a little bit about ourselves along with doing a reading or two from the Bible and learning a bit about the life of Jesus. Also, in the sequoia, the teens and leaders worked together to make a tree for the “March of the Ents” recreational event. This was a parade of trees made of cardboard boxes and streamers that were held up or worn by the group.

After lunch, we went back to our sequoia to have more learning fun.

More and more friends are being made at this event and it looks like the event will continue to be a success.