And the Lord Said Let There Be Light

In the beginning, we traveled by bus for three hours singing the same five praise songs over and over again the entire ride. By the end of a road trip like that, you’re singing “Days of Elijah” in your sleep … and tapping your feet … and the bruises from clapping your hands so long are still throbbing to the beat.

Finding dorms, room keys, and awesome looking t-shirts was pretty exciting. And we all where banging on each others’ bathroom doors to see who our neighbour was. Humming to ourselves, we began to “settle” down … only to go to “the Stump” and jump around singing and dancing like happy-go-lucky maniacs. Meeting up with old friends and making new ones was a wonderful experience … but as dinner hour rolled around there where still some people missing.

“MARKUS! EUN!” My brother yelled those names countless of times over dinner trying to find my friends from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Every head would turn towards us and my head would simultaneously hide under the nearest table as he called out for my long lost friends. (Being from “Southern Ontario” I don’t get to see many Newfies very often). I would later find out that the incessant screeching had all been in vain because the bus from Newfoundland had broken down for eight hours somewhere in Quebec. (According to the bus people, Shrek 2 is only good the first 4 times you watch it). They did arrive… but maybe just a little too late.

In the beginning the Lord said, “Let there be light” But as I approached the room I had been told was the place to worship, I was positive I was in the wrong place. Purple and blue light was streaming into the hall. I could hear music, and noise, and could see bleachers filled with people. My first thought was “Cool, I didn’t know they held rock concerts at university, sign me up! ” But I was ushered in and realized, wait, this is the right place! Then the second thought? WICKED!

The music was wonderful, not necessarily rock concert quality but definitely uplifting and awesome. The preaching was fabulous and the assortment of slide shows and dramatic productions where spectacular, and everything was “good.” Going to bed, we all knew there would be no such thing as sleep … even though we were all running on our last reserves of hyperactivity before the inevitable crash.

And the Lord called the light day and the darkness night, and so I say goodnight to a blog I am trying desperately to write. I am on Microsoft Word writing this, because I can’t find internet. So today is the first day of CY, even though it wont be posted until … well I don’t know.

I am Christin(a) Gillard, I am 16, and I am filled with God’s love and the energy from CY. I don’t know who you are, but I hope someday you will be given such an awesome opportunity.
