The ACTUAL Cool Day 2

The second day of CY ’09 began at 7:00 a.m. for me. If you’re wondering why so early, it’s because I was on a quest to find out what “morning devotions” are and whether or not I’d be written up for not attending. I still don’t know what or where they are, but I do know that  if you leave your room at 7:20 to go Morning Devotions, they will already be over. Thanks, girls in front of the elevator, for enlightening me in that regard. I returned to my room and later went down to breakfast.

“The Stump” began at 9. Highlights today were some complicated elbow-to-knee icebreaker games and action songs. As the Stump ended we  branched off into our smaller groups named after trees. Their more professional name is “sequoia groups.” These groups spent the rest of the morning eating skittles, talking about last night’s worship and just bonding in other generally pleasant ways.

Then, lunch happened. It was fairly mind-blowing.

After lunch we returned to our small groups to talk about Genesis and make a tree out of cardboard to be used in a competition of sorts against other sequoia groups. Since it was raining, the “competition” took place indoors. Maybe not what was planned, but it was indeed an experience to remember. The Maple group was clearly the best, not only because I myself was a part of it. That helped, though. Next my brother and I went to the bookstore and had dinner with some chummy chums.

After dinner was worship which tonight included a Toy Story clip and “phat jams” from the band. That evening a juggling while DDR-ing man entertained us with his talents on “giant Chinese yo-yo”, a unicycle, and other comedic mediums. There’s day two in a nutshell.

“Today was good, today was fun, tomorrow is another one.” 🙂