Twittering at Canada Youth

In my normal life I hardly touch twitter. (I do have one for a website I run @SharkTankABC but its not a personal account and to be honest it drives me a bit mad.) This week Colin Carmichael (the Communications guru for the PCC) asked me if I would twitter about what is going on at Canada Youth 2009. I created a new account and went to it. Well let me tell you its hard to explain what’s going on in only 140 characters.

I had a funny experience,  Sarah Travis came up to me at lunch today and asked me what’s the deal with Twittering during her sermon (with a joking smile on her face). I told her I thought it brought people from around the world into her sermon, she smiled and said then keep doing it.

a tweet from last night service: There is nothing we can do to make God love us more or less … We don’t have to do anything to keep His love… It just is #CY09

It may only be a single sentence but in my mind I hope it is being read by those who could not make it here, or those who are praying for us here.

If anyone wishes to send a message about Canada Youth 2009 simple place #CY09 at the end of their twitter message.

There are two places you can follow use:


2) Twitter