Wednesday, July 22, 2009-Day 3 of CY09

The excitement looks like it will never come to an end. Today, the youth and leaders participate in their first activity. Whether it be Heaven’s Kitchen or Yoga, they are bound to be in for a treat and a whole lot of fun.

As youth and leaders head from breakfast to “The Stump” for more active wake-up exercises, they all look forward to the afternoon for their activity. Some have one activity twice, some have three different activities. Whether or not the activities are all different, let us all hope that they have the time of their lives there.

Also going on today, the youth participate in session 3 of their Sequoia group. This is the one after “March of the Ents” just yesterday. After the activity that the youth have, they have yet another surprise awaiting their arrival in Sequoia for session 4.


God be with each and every one of us on this, the first day of activities.