The Last Day

Today was a day that was bitter sweet. Excitment was mounting for a promising worship and an awesome recreational night. But as the events drew closer, so did the end. It was beautiful outside, a game of capture the flag provided plenty of opportunity to draw on non-existant energy; my team lost miserably. But it was fun. My brother has been playing his guitar all week, and it was strange to be at an activity without him strumming nearby. By now my voice has left along with my energy supply, from too much, yelling, talking, laughing, and above all else singing. The day started off slow, like everyone was trying to stretch out the last few minutes we had together. Our sequoia groups where sad to see each other leave, especially seeing as how we had just begun to open up. (My mind is all over the place right now so forgive me if this is the most unorganized entry in a blog ever read.) We stuck pieces of paper to each others’ backs and wrote what we thought of each other. Most of mine were referenceing my strong opinions and ability to speak my mind. (This blog is definitely not a great representation of the way I speak.) Tears where shed by the end and a group hug was in order. My mother (the adult advisor for Bonsai), decided to keep everything, just as an excuse to pack it away ando hide her face while she started to bawl.

Many people revisited the Spirit Grove and calmed themselves for the rough goodbyes that lay ahead. The activities where wonderful for all, and we played endless sports during dinner and onwards.

During the dance, I was in a circle with my friend from Newfoundland, with the Taiwanese guests as well, and man can they bust a move! It was a wonderful night with a ton of laughter and smiling. Oh, and worship. Until this May, I struggled deeply with my faith and was completely turned the wrong way around. After watching a DVD of a Christian concert (Toby Mac) I turned back to God. After this week, my heart was with Him every minute of worship. I felt so renewed and so grateful that I could feel His presence among us for the first time in such a long stretch of spiritual emptiness. It was so relieving to feel like I was in an embrace for hours on end. I was taken to the next level in my faith. And I owe part of that experience to the ministers who told such inspirational, and amusing sermons, and to that praise band and the videos shown. Without CY, I dont think I would have been able to step up onto the next rung on my spiritual ladder. Though my head went back to earth thinking of how much I would miss my friends and long for their presence; my heart has not yet left the clouds and will not long for Gods presence because now, He is with me always. CY had its ups, its downs, its turn-arounds, but I will not forget the lessons it has taught me. To love. And to inspire, and to grow through the roots in my Lord, and my Saviour.
Halleluah. Praise my God because I know that now, through Him I can be the change I wish to see in the world. And through His love, we are all able.
So I say farewell to CY.
In hopes that I can reach the next rung,
and grow a new branch.
At CY12.