Monday, Again

Canada Youth ended a couple days ago now, and I’m still missing it.

It was a truly awesome experience, visiting with the Lord, and with fellow Presbyterians across Canada, and the world even! New friends were made, old friends reconnected, networks and relationships formed. Everyone left the conference with something. I left equipped, but in a way I wasn’t thinking. Rather than learning how to run a Bible Study, how to bring youth to the church…I was equipped with how to pray about myself (something we often forget to do), how to take Sabbath, and how to form relationships with the youth I will be ministering to.

Because there’s no such thing as ‘youth ministry’ but rather ministry to youth, same as if you would be ministering to an older person.

I also left with 2000 photos. Most of which are edited now! You can view them here:

So thank you to all of those who followed these blogs, photos, and twitter updates! And now, I’m looking forward to CY2012.