
Even though I am still getting used to the fact that I wake up in my bedroom at home and not a dorm room at Brock University, and am having breakfast whenever I please, I still enjoyed CY09 and look forward to CY12. I just wish it ran annually, instead of only on three year intervals and for only one week.

Although I sure am glad to be able to wake up to the sound of my cats meowing for attention and my mother just waiting for me to wake up. It is warming being home.

But I do miss everybody I met down there. I had so much fun while there. The welcoming atmosphere will not be around again for another three years. It’s like your first day at school; everybody is so welcoming, except unlike school that continues past the first day. At least I and many others keep in contact so we can update each other on the happenings around our sections of the country.

Goodbye everyone, I will always miss you guys! I will never forget any of you!

I’d like to continue to blog at CY12. So goodbye until then my friends. If you are on facebook or msn, you can add me. Dustyn Frankcom or

Dustyn, out.