Good News For All

I respond to Calvin Brown’s May article, Popping The Question, in which he says some of our ministers “think that Jesus will save everyone. It is a nice thought but it really isn’t true if the Bible and confessions are to be believed.”

I believe God will ultimately “save” everyone because I believe in the God of grace (undeserved love). God loves each of us and all of creation. God’s love is unlimited and unconditional. God loves us whether we give the right answer to Calvin Brown’s question or not. The Bible tells us God’s plan is “to gather up all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.” (Ephesians 1:10)

Not only are there many other Bible passages supporting “universalism” (God’s salvation of all) but the early church espoused that doctrine. Origen and Gregory of Nyssa, to name only two, taught the salvation of all. I learned much from Jacques Ellul, a Reformed theologian who said, God had chosen all people for reconciliation. “From the very outset this reconciliation is for all (Muslims, Buddhists, Nazis, Communists, etc) and it will apply to them whether they know it or not, whether they will it or not. God is reconciled to them even if they are not reconciled to God.” Today, theologians like John Hick and Tom Harpur and others hold that view.

As for the confessions—they are not perfect. I do not believe the Westminster Confession of Faith is right to say the pope is the Anti-Christ or to embrace double predestination (some are saved; some are damned).

I consider everything in the light of the God of grace who loves and saves all people. Think how our assurance of pardon would sound if we said, “Hear the good news! Who is in a position to condem? Only Christ, and Christ died for some of us, rose for some of us…”

The Good News we have to share is not that if you say “yes” to Calvin Brown’s question, “Have you turned your life over to the Lordship of Jesus?” you will be saved, but that before you had even heard of Jesus, God in love had already saved you. Now that’s good news!