Lighting Committee Report


Convener: This is the report on lighting. Recommendation No. 1: That the light bulbs be changed.

Moderator: The floor is now open to discussion.

Eun: I’m Eun Go from the Presbytery of Newfoundland. I’d like to speak against this recommendation. We have had the other light bulb for such a long time. I don’t see why we need to change it. I feel like we are being hasty.

Allyssa: Allyssa de Bruijn from the Presbytery of Northern Saskatchewan. I’d like to speak in favour of this recommendation. We do not want our youth in the dark! How can we be the light of the world without a light bulb?!

David: I feel like we are being led into this decision. I don’t want to be herded into this.

Moderator: Excuse me. State your name, presbytery and intent.

David: David Sturtevant from Waterloo. I think changing light bulbs could put a financial strain on the church at this point in time. It could be costly and I’m not sure about the funding or the necessity.

Shannon: I’m Shannon Caesar from the Presbytery of Niagara and I’d like to move an amendment. I think this recommendation should be referred to the committee on finance.

Moderator: We need to receive the amendment in writing and then have it posted on the screen.

(The speaker runs to the clerks’ table with her motion and it is instantly displayed on the screen at the front.)

Moderator: Any more discussion? We will now vote on the amendment to the recommendation. All those in favour? Opposed if any? The amendment is defeated. We will now vote on accepting the recommendation. All those in favour? Opposed?

(The principal clerk leans in to whisper something to the Moderator.)

Moderator: Since the vote was so close we have decided to do a standing vote. All those in favour, please stand.

(As commissioners stand, the clerks run out into court and madly count them with exaggerated gestures.)

Moderator: All those opposed, please stand.

(Once again the clerks race out into the court to count the votes. They consult and give the tally to the Moderator.)

Moderator: Motion passed.We recognize the speaker at mic one.

David: Sturtevant, Waterloo. I would like to have my dissent recorded, please.
