Nothing more than an opinion piece

Re The Word Became Flesh, Advertisement, April
“Acceptance of advertising does not imply endorsement by the Presbyterian Record or The Presbyterian Church in Canada.” I understand that. What I do not understand is why the Record accepted and printed three pages of so-called advertising (paid for, as you pointed out, “by a member of The Presbyterian Church in Canada”) for what is nothing more than an opinion piece from another denomination. There is nothing wrong with any other church having opinions that happen to differ from my own. There is nothing wrong with any other church publicly stating those opinions. I just do not expect to read it in the journal that purports to represent the Presbyterian church! What, exactly, is the advertisement trying to sell to Presbyterians? Does it promote doctrine that the anonymous member would like to see addressed by the Presbyterian church? If the member wishes to effect change in church doctrine he/she should do so through our church’s governing body: General Assembly. Besides being non-Presbyterian, the article/advertisement is not even from a Canadian source. I wonder if another denomination’s American journal would accept similar “advertising” from our moderator.

About Sandee Brown-Davidson
Chatham, Ont.