The Kingsmill Prophets

To mark its 50th anniversary, St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver, asked local potter Bob Kingsmill to create four new panels based on four Hebrew prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Elijah. While these panels are artistic interpretations of their words, they are also more than that. The images illustrate human interpretation of God’s reality as revealed to us in the prophecies. The central image of each piece is a menorah (seven-branched candlestick of Judaism) while the cross of the gospels is sketched in the background. The panels are replete with visual imagery drawn from the prophets work and surmounted by key texts that convey their message. At the dedication service of the Kingsmill Prophets in March, Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls spoke about the biblical context of the panels. Read her talk at