Unsettling and Unclear

Re Abraham and Sons Inc., May

Prof. McLelland intended to open and facilitate religious dialogue in an age of pluralism. But at what cost? As I read the article, I find the Godness of Jesus seemingly questioned in the interests of his humanity; the proclamation of Messiah muted because it forces us into a defense that is otherworldly; a cavalier handling of Paul that seems to make him a cause of anti-Semitism (romans 9:1-4), and a view of our mission from the lord himself that is seemingly reduced to good works. What, then, is the faith we are to bring to this open dialogue in humility? In this light, we first badly need a dialogue with scripture and among ourselves to determine again what is “the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints.” (Jude 3) the article is not helpful but unsettling, provocative, and unclear.

About S. Murray Barron
Welland, Ont.