
I cannot tell you how disappointed I am to see how many Presbyterians seem to have followed the United Church into outer darkness on the issue of abortions.

Although I understand that not all Presbyterians are “conservatives” I assumed that we all looked to the Scriptures for guidance and so also assumed that even those who could rationalize abortion, would at least be tolerant of the opposing view. Alas I appear to be wrong and like so many other “liberals” before them they will tolerate any view as long as it is the same as theirs. What a pity!

I am also puzzled by the editorial which states ” We also do not carry advertising for tobacco, alcohol, adult content, or anything military, other than chaplaincy ads.” I applaud your stand on alcohol, tobacco and adult content, but what is wrong with the military? In my experience the military (especially here in Victoria) is home to many solid Christians with strong moral values. (Don’t forget that German subs were spotted in the St. Lawrence River during World War II and everyone was delighted that the Canadian Navy protected our shores then.)

May I suggest that we leave the censorship to the Human Rights Commission which do such a wonderful job of filtering out unpleasanteries from the media, don’t aid them in their witch hunt. If you want to see what this sort of political correctness can lead to I suggest you read Ezra Levant’s Shakedown.