Now What?


There was amazing energy, lively music and enthusiasm about life, church and God at Canada Youth 2009. It was a proverbial mountain top experience. But, eventually, you have to go home.

So … how do you take that experience back with you? How do you spread its message?

Share the Story
There are literally hundreds of funny anecdotes, spiritual moments and heart-changing stories that youth experience at CY. And Sunday morning is a great time to hear them. Why not share a story each week for a month? Better yet, invite a few folks from your church to a local coffee shop and let them listen for how God weaved through a week at CY and continues to be present in your lives. Jesus loved to share truth through stories. I wonder what truth you have to share?

Stay Connected
You know all those friends you met at CY? When was the last time you talked to them? They are as close as a click on your Facebook page. Why not tell them that you’re thinking of them and you haven’t forgotten to pray for the craziness in their life? It’s those connections that will sustain you through the desert times in your faith journey. And don’t forget about all those people you met from your local area. Wouldn’t it be great to get a few youth groups together and reminisce? You could sing a few choruses of those songs you’ve had stuck in your head all summer and talk about doing a mission trip together in 2010. Don’t let the community that formed at CY fade into nothing.

Start Something New
Maybe you’re hyped to try out some of the drama and music you saw in worship. Or maybe you picked up a book in the Book Room that you want everyone in your church to read. Or maybe one of the speakers inspired you to change the direction of your youth ministry. What are you waiting for? Talk to your minister, Christian education director or youth leader and get started! CY is meant to inspire action when you get home. Don’t think you are doomed to the same-old-same-old.

Support the Youth
Congregations who sent participants, I hope you have been able to give your folks a warm welcome home. You can help enable your youth so that this experience isn’t just for them, but becomes part of the congregation as a whole. We truly recognize that CY is only a week; real spiritual growth happens in a congregation that loves their youth and leaders, listens to them and supports them.

God bless as you strive to keep the CY energy alive in your home churches!