Canadian Churches Weigh in on U.S. Health Care

As American media and lobbyists pointed northward to criticize proposed changes to the U.S. heath care system, the Canadian Council of Churches defended Canadian health care, calling it a system guided by “affinity with the love of neighbour.”

In letters to three of the U.S.’s largest church bodies, the CCC suggested health care advocacy is directly related to “God’s call to discipleship” and Canadian churches have played a role in shaping Canada’s system.

“Over the years, we’ve had all kinds of conversations here through our ecumenical heath care network and with the Canadian government, and we thought we had experience and wisdom to share if it would be helpful to our American brothers and sisters,” said Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, general secretary of the CCC. “We believe Canada is well-served by the kind of health care we have, especially if it continues to make changes that churches believe are important for justice and equity.”

The letter was directed to the National Council of Churches, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Association of Evangelicals.