Knox, North Easthope, ON


Society Marking 125th Anniversary
from the Tavistock Gazette, April 22, 2009

The ladies of the Knox, North Easthope, Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) were delighted to have their April meeting at the Maples Home for Seniors. This is the 125th year of the Society founded in 1884 and the ladies are marking the occasion with a photograph of this year’s group.

They were all warmly welcomed to The Maples by Grace Campbell, an associate WMS member. Ruth Hart served dessert and everyone enjoyed a time of fellowship. President Lois Horne welcomed everyone and following prayer, repeated “Women with a Purpose” in unison. Devotions were led by Bonnie Satchell.

The theme of the meeting was summed up in the phrase “quarantined by fear,” as heard in the current news. It could also have been used in the Easter account. The frightened disciples barricaded themselves behind locked doors. Sometimes we too prefer to stay behind closed doors where we feel secure not having to deal with the world and our own insecurities and fears. The good news, that the risen Jesus loves us, greets us and takes us as we are. Christ calls us to serve as did the first disciples. When following Christ’s command, we step out from behind closed doors, we discover that the power Jesus has breathed on us is a Holy Spirit of power. We are freed from fear, freed to live fully, and freed to do the work God has called us to do.

Hymns were song throughout the program, celebrating the Easter Season. The Mission Study was led by Marj Irvine. Marj focused on missionary, Denise van Wissen, who is originallly from Guelph, Ontario, is currently working with the Mayan women in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Denise is educating the women about nutrition along with encouraging them to recognize their own value in God’s sight.

Business included announcements for Mission Awareness Sunday, April 26; Spring Rally, May 25; Synodical April 21 and 22; and “Cake by the Lake” at Camp Kintail, June 23. The inspirational message was given by Christina Fryfogel. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer and the Missionary Benediction.

Knox Presbyterian Church Women’s Missionary Society, North Easthope, was organized on December 19, 1884. There were ten charter members with Mrs. Alex Crerar as the first president. Support was given to missionaries serving in the east, notably India and China and among our Canadian aboriginal peoples. Early meetings took the form of a Bible study, which is still used today. The ladies learn about various missionaries furthering God’s word to other parts of the world as well as at home. Life memberships continue to be presented, the first being Mrs. Rev. Archibald Stewart.

PHOTO CREDIT: Bill Gladding / Tavistock Gazette

CAPTION: Members of the Knox Presbyterian Church, North Easthope, Women’s Missionary Society for 2009 include, left to right, seated: first vice-president Ann Wybrow, treasurer Isabel Patterson, president Lois Horne, secretary Ruth Hart, past president Florence Fawcett; standing: Grace Campbell, Marjorie Irvine, Jean Fryfogel, Mary Horne, Christina Fryfogel, Isabelle Satchell, Audrey Rutherford, Myrna Schell, and Bonnie Satchell. Absent when the photo was taken were members Sandra Wettlaufer, Helen Walker, Mary Lichty, and Doris Hyde.