Set an Example

Re Court Tales, July/August

A three per cent increase! I currently have had no increase in salary and have to take four unpaid days.
I am single and support myself. I tithe monthly to my church, Canadian Feed the Children, Leprosy Mission and other charities. This year I increased my givings to my church by $25 and it was given to Presbyterians Sharing. I will now cancel it and perhaps give it somewhere else; perhaps to Evangel Hall to feed people.

I am also the church treasurer, so I see what the minister receives and their Cadillac benefit package. Our church is struggling financially, some of our members have lost their jobs.

This blatant disregard for the tough economic times upsets me so much. I struggle going to work some days because I am tired and, yes, I count many blessings that God gives me every day. But a three per cent increase when people are losing their jobs!

The Presbyterian Church in Canada should be the first line of defense when people lose their jobs and need help. But how can you help them when you are doing this yourselves?

About Isabella Cunningham, Mississauga, Ont.