Jesus Would Have ‘Tweeted’

ENI – An unusual Bible was presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair in which the scriptures have been compiled in the form of almost 4,000 short messages in Twitter format.

The German-language book, with the title, And God decided to Chill, is the result of a record-breaking attempt to “tweet” the whole of the Bible in 10 days. It began in May at the German Protestant Kirchentag, or church convention, in Bremen.

The free online Twitter service is an Internet application. Registered users write via computers or mobile phones using short messages – or “tweets” – of up to 140 characters that can be received worldwide.

Melanie Huber, the director of the German Protestant Web portal,, which launched the action, noted that Jesus is recorded as saying, “What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops” (Matthew 10:27).

“For us that means that Jesus would probably have tweeted,” said Huber.