Appreciation for National Staff

Re Churches Share Less with National Offices, December News

I am saddened and concerned that our staff at national offices will have one week of unpaid leave in 2010 and 2011 and will receive no cost of living allowances during these years.

I am grateful for the work the staff do. Whenever I have sought help or guidance, I (and the congregation I am with) have been well served. In the loss of one week, we lose their valuable services. If we choose to cut the number of staff in our church offices, there will be a loss.

My concern comes when I imagine walking a mile in our national staff’s shoes. Our church has placed a stressful burden upon them. We have not asked this of other professional workers in our denomination. I feel uncomfortable as a minister who will not face the same consequences.

I recognize the Assembly Council’s decision may be the best choice among the available options. Nevertheless, it needs to be a wake-up call. We need to support our staff well through Presbyterians Sharing. We need to plan to make sure there is equity in the sacrifices we make when difficult economic times come.

So, I want to share a message with our national staff. Your work is of great value. Our church is stronger because of your faithfulness.

About Rev. Mark Gedcke, Kitchener, ON