Confused Online

I feel slightly schizophrenic after spending some time trying to find my way around online. No doubt, the style and present set up is now dictated to some degree by the arrangement of the archival material but that system seems to lend a kind of distortion to the reporting. With the former format, it was much easier to know what each issue contained. Now confusion reigns and one is no longer sure where one month ends and another begins; or even where to find the original article, pictures, etc., especially if the reader wishes to refer back to an item of interest.  

The online setup gives a poor representation of one singular issue, giving the false impression (if the reader is not paying attention), that everything that comes up is part of the current issue. That could make for a hefty issue. Worse still, everything thrown together as it is suggests somehow a distinct lack of organization. I don’t think it will sell many subscriptions to the Record.

I gather there are a few “‘bugs” to work out!

Editor Responds: You’re right. Reorganizing the archival material for the past five years is a massive task; but the work has begun.

About Wanda Thompson, Guelph, Ont.