No Politics in Record, Please

Re For the Record, January

I know our religion may call us to political action, but I also find playing the political game not appropriate for the Presbyterian Record. Why was the funding to CIDA not given? We don’t know because the minister’s office did not clarify. If from that point on, Mr. Harris continued with an appeal for readers to contact their elected officials to protest, I’d not object one bit.

But I do object that Harris indulges in political speculation of anti-Semitism and also shows disrespect for our elected officials in describing the Prime Minister’s Office as “command-and-control.”

I am a civil servant and I can attest to the fact that political decisions are the object of intense speculation, but in the end we common mortals will never know the answer.

Speculating that the decision not to continue the funding for Kairos has something to do with anti-Semitism is a serious charge to make, hardly justified by an “oblique” statement by John Baird. Let’s not enter into the battle zone or the paranoia of being sufficiently not anti-Semitic. Let’s just make sure we aren’t, then we don’t have to prove our innocence even when we weren’t really accused of being anti-Semitic.

This brings to mind Hamlet: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”