Presbyterians Sharing Totals $8.47 million

Contributions to the church’s national mission and ministry fund came to just over $8.47 million in 2009, falling $128,000 short of the year’s $8.6-million budget.

The final numbers were higher than November forecasts, however, which suggested Presbyterians Sharing would barely surpass $8.4 million by the end of the year.

Total contributions to the fund have fluctuated between $8.58 and $8.76 million over the past decade, with the highest point in 2006. Donations dropped by almost $150,000 in 2008 and again by $113,000 in 2009, bringing the yearly totals to levels last seen in the late 1990s.

But Karen Plater, associate secretary of stewardship, remains optimistic about the 2009 contributions, suggesting the declines are signs of struggling congregations and do not indicate a lack of willingness to give.

“I have been amazed each year, as I talk to congregations about their final contributions and watch the cheques come in, at the generosity of Presbyterians from across Canada,” she wrote in a January email to national office staff. “This is only 1.3 per cent less than the $8.58 million contributed last year, representing a significant effort from congregations at a time of economic downturn and increasing demands on the resources of congregations.”

Churches usually approve their allocation at their annual meetings.

Presbyterians Sharing funds most of the church’s national programs and ministries, including the work of the Life and Mission Agency, General Assembly and the church’s three theological colleges.