PWS&D Support ‘Overwhelming’

The church’s relief and development agency was “drowning in generosity” by the end of 2009, reporting a total of $2.67 million despite fears that it could fall short of its budget by almost half a million dollars.

Presbyterian World Service and Development launched an appeal for funds in mid-September when donations at the end of the third quarter were down 45 per cent compared to previous years. Although the agency typically receives the lion’s share of its support in the final quarter, staff projected the steep shortfall if the trend continued.

Donations flooded in, generating almost $2.67 million — 57 per cent of the total year’s revenue — in only four months and surpassing the $1.5 million needed to meet commitments to partner organizations.

“I feel like I’m just drowning in generosity,” said a jubilant Colleen McCue, head of PWS&D’s finances. “I’ve worked here for nine years, and looking back I’ve realized that every time — every single time — we’ve put out an appeal people have come through for us.”

“The PWS&D staff and committee are so committed to their mission and committed to the church, and they believe the church is really behind them and supportive of what they’re doing,” said Rev. Dr. Art Van Seters, convener of the PWS&D committee. He suggested the staff took a risk when they launched their appeal last fall, but they chose to “tell the story straight” and trust fellow Presbyterians to chip in.

“It says a lot about our church. Our church really does have a larger vision, and PWS&D is a major part of that vision. And at a time when both society and the church are facing a real challenge; when people could say, ‘we’ll look after the congregation and leave this off.’ But for many people PWS&D isn’t an option.”

Haiti Update

At press time, PWS&D’s phones were ringing off the hook as support poured in for earthquake-stricken Haiti. As of Feb. 8, donations for Haiti relief totaled more than $600,000.

Individual donations received before Feb. 12 were matched by the Canadian government.