What About The Rest Of Us?

Re: Is This Really What God Wants, November

In the secular world, the measure of a man is often determined by the value of his home, the number of upscale SUVs in the driveway, the value of his investment portfolio and accumulated wealth and the number of zeros appended to his salary or bonus cheques.

Some of these values spill over to religious organizations. Thank goodness for the generosity of many wealthy corporations and individuals. Cynics might well say, Well they can easily afford their donations, often motivated by tax breaks.

But what about the rest of us mere mortals? Seniors living on fixed incomes an the young trying to survive on minimum wage.

There is comfort to be found in scripture, as suggested by Rev. Dr. Laurence DeWolfe in his article about the poor woman (Mark 12: 38-44) who donated her last pennies to the church of the day. Few of us today would give our last dollar to the modern church as instructed by the New Testament.

Yes, it is a fact of life that tithing and stewardship is required for the financial survival of the church. It is not money down the drain. There is a real blessing for those who give, no matter how small the donation.

How do I know?

An old refrain comes to mind: The Bible tells me so.

About J. Gordon Neal, Whitby, Ont.